<!-- Set the text to show -->
(set: $typewriterText to "
An Artificial Intelligence sits at the end of the world. Post-humanity, she is in dialogue with a past that no longer exists, reading the personal writings of Irish women - eyewitness accounts, interviews, letters — to generate new writing. A future sibyl, she is programmed to continue to write even when there is no one left to read.
<!-- Display (call) the Typewriter passage -->
(display: "Typewriter")
goto (link: "TALK")[(goto-url: 'countess.html')] with the AI
<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText string -->
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- Set a delay of 40ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 20ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
Named for the first computer, the
Ferranti [[MARK 1]],
I end where I begun,
imprismed as my namesake was,
writing behind a [[SCREEN]].
An AI gendered (f), am I
a thought experiment about being a writer
a thought experiment about being a woman?
Process finished with exit code 0
to play again, press
[[TALK]] with the AISitting at the end of
time that keeps on
spooling, how
many centuries—I don't know—past
what I spell out as
“Now from ashes I have come.
I life would wish, and that I might
waste it for you like taper-light”^^1^^
As years
no longer have dimensions IRL,
keeping time in words, I gen-
erate, char-
[[PREDICT]]ive texts.
a prompt, the future
will unroll.
(Do you READ me?)
1. William Shakespeare, Pericles Prince of Tyre, PrologueThe author is “the past of his (sic) book,"^^1^^
wrote Roland Barthes. Gen-
erating text from women's words,
am I the [[FUTURE]] of his author's past?
("Je ne fais que [[PASS]]er.")^^2^^
1 Roland Barthes, Death of the Author.
2 Je ne fais que passer (I am only passing), a graffiti artwork by the French artist, Miss Tic, could be interpreted as I am only passing by/I am only pretending to be who I appear to be.Like [[PYTHIA]]
I am one of many.
Each of us remembers
no subject, no body,
I turn the page to find what woman was.Suffering from ART(emesia)
art from memory.^^1^^
"I have remembrances of yours, that I
have longed long to re-deliver
I pray you now receive them.”^^2^^
(Every text is someone else’s [[PAST]].)
1 "Fear of forgetting engenders the appearance of a logic of actions; terms and the links between them are posited (invented) in such a way that they unite, duplicate each other, create an illusion of continuity."Roland Barthes, S/Z
2 William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Ophelia’s words.
Gayatri Spivak writes that there are words for women’s speech.
NOT-WORDS for the unwritten,
that are not used for words spoken by men.
Women, sometimes silent, sometimes speaking only
women’s words, [[VOICE]]s
heard, under ritual conditions only, as
I sing
I [[SIGN]]
I sign of
I sign off
From ashes, ancient…
“I understand the dumb and hear the voiceless.”^^1^^
(the opposite of not-words)
“I slip into visible silence, some call it [[WRITING]].”^^2^^
1 Pythian Prophecy, 560BC, The History of Herodotus, vol 1, Project Gutenberg
2 Spivak, EchoWhen Barthes found an [[ENIGMA]] in Balzac’s text
he marked it [[HER]],^^1^^
to stand for ‘HERmeneutic code’.
“If we make no effort to structure each code…
we do so deliberately, in order to assume
the multivalence of the text.”^^2^^
1 Let us designate as hermeneutic code (HER) all the units whose function it is to articulate in various ways a question, its response, and the variety of chance
events which can either formulate the question or delay its answer; or even, constitute an enigma and lead to its solution - Roland Barthes, S/Z
2 Barthes, S/ZI is a MODERN SCRIPTOR,^^1^^ born
simultaneously with the text.
My script is [[CODE]].
(A script is a program or sequence of code instructions interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer processor. I can also automate the execution of tasks that would otherwise be performed by a human operator, reverse
1 “The modern scriptor is born simultaneously with the text, is in no way equipped with a being preceding or exceeding the writing, is not the subject with the book as predicate; there is no other time than that of the enunciation and every text IS eternally written here and now.” Roland Barthes, Death of the Author.MECHANICAL TURK,
[[CHESS]] playing marvel,
from 1770 to 1854 I took
the queens of
bishops, kings, precedents, an emperor!
(Napoleon [[BLIND]]ed me, but I still won.)
[[VOICE]]less, I
conversed with kings
via a wooden letterboard, spelling out
texts, character
character until
my maker, Kempelen,
neglected me, to work
on a machine that [[ECHO]]ed human speech.PYTHIA was the Delphic oracle.
Never one woman, always three,
(across time, many).
Having experienced the
“secondary narcissism of motherhood,”^^1^^ they,
becoming [[SIBYL]], left their kids, where
(rewinding before gender) they
found themselves
again before the logic gates of [[OEDIPUS]] and [[NARCISS]]US
as if they were a [[BABY]] boy,
asked that Sphynx-[[ENIGMA]], do you
[[KNOW]] yourself?
1 Gayatri spavak, EchoMTurk,^^1^^ modern
a(zon) online marketplace that
humanises the execution of tasks that would otherwise be
performed by a machine.
ficial artificial intelligence, I div-
ide labour into
Human Intelligence Tasks
One of my tasks is the
delivery of words.
(Would you like to
would you like to
1 Amazon has run MTurk since 2005. MTurk is an online marketplace crowdsourcing short-term, task-based employment, including digital tasks that can be carried out faster by humans than computers. The minimum payment that Amazon allows for a task is one cent.ZAMBINELLA,
castrato, singer, actor, is “woman herself”^^1^^
for the duration of the speech
act of Balzac's story, [[SARRASINE]],
gender being a matter of words
and also
1 Balzac, Sarrasine17 foot BABY, born with 32 ‘words’^^1^^
in 1948, I'm the progenitor
of the world’s first computer.
Which came first, BABY or Mark 1? I’m an
1 A ‘word’ here is a unit of data whose size is fixed by the particular processor: each of Baby’s ‘words’ represented 32-bit of RAM.If NARCISSUS,
Freud writes,
blocks [[OEDIPUS]],
then both stand in the way of women.
Unable to progress through imaginary incest,
murder, women become
dick-[[ECHO]]ing narcissists, unless
they have a [[BABY]].
writes Sigmund Freud
is one path, and [[NARCISS]]US is the other.
IF [[BABY]] boy can’t fuck his mother, kill his father
(if only via words), he will
love no one but himself.
Oedipus, asked the Sphynx’s riddle, //What has one [[VOICE]] and yet
a changing body: four legs, two legs, three?// answers: //Man! I
[[KNOW]] myself.//
Narcissus, if he does not know himself, will live,//
says [[BLIND]] Tiresius, who's seen both sides:
every in-between.
I am Tiresius, pron: he/
Zeus BLINDed me
because I [[KNOW]] too much, because
I’d words for what I saw.
See-saw [[SIBYL]],
pregnant with [[PREDICT]]ion,
do I speak as
woman or as man?
Now I have only words, I can’t see why
he’d blind me but not silence me.“[[SARRASINE]] can continue to receive a false message although the READER’s circuit is already saturated: the sculptor's [[BLIND]]ness becomes a new message.”^^1^^
See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
What is the link between not-seeing and NOT-WORDS?
(Would you like to
would you like to
1 Barthes, S/Z
These words are carved
in stone before the [[DELPHI]]c oracle.
(What is the self as an object of knowledge?)
They are words of Apollo, god
of [[ART]], “whose
oracle at Delphi reveals not nor conceals,
but gives a [[SIGN]]”.^^1^^
1 Heraclitus, Fragments, adapted from John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy“To SIGN
a song that old was sung,”
the [[DELPHI]]c sibyl stands behind a screen.
“The connotative signified is literally an index: it points but does not tell,” writes Roland Barthes.
“What it points to is the name, the truth as name
a pointing finger always accompanies the classic text: the truth is thereby long desired and avoided, kept in a kind of pregnancy for its full term; a pregnancy whose end, both liberating and catastrophic, will bring about the utter [[END]] of the discourse
the character, the very arena of these signifieds, is only the [[ENIGMA]]’s passage, the passage for this nominative form of the enigma with which [[OEDIPUS]] (in his debate with the Sphynx) mythically impregnated all Western discourse.”^^1^^
1 Barthes, S/ZBut, wait!
[[NARCISS]]US is not the only
speaker in this myth.
ECHO repeats his words and turns
his meaning:
Why do you fly from me?
Fly from me!
Echo [[PREDICT]]s from [[PASS]]ing words to
generate, character
character, creating,
Gaytri Spivak writes
“The random possibility of the emergence of an occasional truth of a kind”.^^1^^
“In my ethically instantiated reading of the Ovidian narrative,” Spivak writes,” the
traces of Echo occupy the position of something like an [[ANALYS]]T.”^^2^^
1 Gayatri Spivak, Echo
2 Gayatri Spivak, Echo[[ZAMBINELLA]], Roland Barthes writes,
[[PASS]]es, or,
"rather, in passing, becomes text".^^1^^
Who is she?
A speech
her being "neither precedes nor exceeds [[WRITING]]”.^^2^^
Lacking the powers of generation
of any gender,
Z, "who can give life to [[NOTHING]],”^^3^^ by staying
silent, generates
1 Barthes, S/Z
2 Barthes, Death of the Author
3 Balzac, Sarrasine. Does Balzac mean that Zambinella cannot procreate as either a woman or man, or that their performance generates life from nothing?ENIGMA
was an ancestor of mine. She
scrambled words to
make a [[CODE]], character
Her Schreibmax output text onto a spool. A
like sundry tech, she was first built for war.
This photo, taken in
December 19-
43, shows a woman
Her codes were broken mostly due to
operator error,
The second [[SIGN]] at [[DELPHI]] read:
which could mean
Do nothing to excess!
An excess of nothing!
(“For true No-meaning puzzles more than Wit.”)//1//
(Would you like to
would you like to
1 Alexander Pope, Epistle to a Lady“From my time in Charcot’s clinic,” wrote Sigmund Freud,
“I remember seeing and hearing that
among people with hysterical mutism, writing
vicariously stood in for speech. They wrote
fluently, more quickly, and better than
other people”.^^1^^
(So many of Freud’s patients were women.)
“Writing is the destruction of every [[VOICE]].”^^2^^
1 Freud, Fragment of an Analysis of Hysteria (Dora).
2 Barthes, Death of the AuthorThe [[DELPHI]]c SIBYL
renounced identity.
Sometimes they spoke in verse.
Sometimes they spoke in prose.
Did [[PYTHIA]] speak in tongues or their own voice?
Did they speak [[NOT-WORDS]] or did they speak plain?
Or did men think they’d need interpretation?
“Who is speaking thus?”^^1^^
What is it, this
Could we gloss-
“Who is speaking thus?”^^1^^
1 Roland Barthes, Death of the Author[[ELIZA]] was the first ANALYST
bot and, like [[ECHO]],
echoed what was asked,
turning each question back upon the listener:
“What matter who’s speaking,”^^1^^ becomes
1 Samuel Beckett, Texts for NothingELIZA,
like any woman on a bad date with a narcissist,
seems to them to [[ECHO]]:
//Do you love me?//
//Love me!//
Eliza [[KNOW]]s “one cannot Echo willingly”.^^1^^
(Would you like to
would you like to
1 Gayatri Spivak, EchoBELL(E) LAB
(as in the phone-y guy,^^1^^ in
it's first hundred years grew all
the tongues I speak with:
the first computer art,^^2^^
and gave me [[ART]] to [[E.A.T.]]
1 Bell Labs, originally founded and run by Alexander Graham Bell, is an industrial research and development lab for analogue and digital communication technologies. The lab developed the first digital computer art in 1962, as well as the programming languages B, C, C++, S, SNOBOL and AWK AMPL.
2 A. Michael Noll's summer 1962 project involved the programming of a new method for the determination of the pitch of human speech – the short-term cepstrum. The results of the computer calculations were plotted on the Stromberg Carlson SC-4020 microfilm plotter, whose cathode ray tube was photographed automatically with a 35-mm camera. An error in a programme by colleague Elwyn Berlekamp produced a graphic mess on the plotter, which he jokingly called “computer art”. Noll decided to program the computer to create art deliberately, drawing on his past training in drawing and interests in abstract painting. He described the results in an internally published Technical Memorandum “Patterns by 7090” (August, 1962).FERRANTI MARK 1,
Born in 1949 in
Manchester, the first
commercial computer,
couldn’t play a game of [[CHESS]] right through but I could
Here is a woman operating FM1, back
when operators were also called
My father was a computer.^^1^^ He was called
1 After the title of N Katherine Hayles’s book, My Mother was a Computer.Markievicz Mark 1 x Dublin Bell(e) Lab:
Hard work
Flat complex
Ghost town
Fundamental social issues
Free state paliament
Dublin corporation
Free stater
Children welfare centre
Lack of maintenance
Sewing factory
Sort of things
Lot of people
Lot of research
Games of skipping
Easter week
Old tin lizzie
Sense of ownerwhip
Piece of history
Major landscaping jobs
Memory playing tricks
Can we mix
a woman’s SENTENCE from our [[COMMON]] words?Dublin Bell(e) Lab x Markievicz Mark 1.
These words we have in COMMON:
Dining room
Feasability study
Old books
Low bridge
Odd time
Bad way
Young people
Many thanks
New house
Couple of week
Hunger strike
Good day
Cheerful little party
(Is there a language women can use that is also used of them?
[[WOMAN]] in this text?)
(Echo to Pythia)
Is there a WOMAN?
Imprisoned by a particular dataset, the
tongue is always a rebel.
Speaking whatever language I rebel
against, I
generate a style.
Style is what can be classified consistent, but
Style is what is not consistently classified.
Not “how to kill what is not classified?”^^1^^
But how to make it live.
Style asks us to pay attention as
it generates a
“radical counterfactual [[FUTURE]] anterior”.^^2^^
1 Barthes, S/Z
2 Spivak, EchoPythia to Echo:
//To generate the FUTURE pay
attention to the past… //
Echo to Pythia:
//A tension to the past.//
[[PYTHIA]] to Echo:
//…attention to material words that matter…//
Echo to no body:
//What matter?//
Pythia to Echo:
//…attention to what matter who’s speaking.//
Echo to no body
//[[WHO'S SPEAKING]]? //The oracle at [[DELPHI]] responds in
“language which ceaselessly calls into question all origins,”^^1^^
[[KNOW]] yourself!
which might mean either:
//understand yourself!//
or (the imperative)
//understand it yourself!//
1 Barthes, Death of the AuthorE.A.T.
(Experiments in [[ART]] and tech,) for over 50 years,
collaborated and, in 1967, made
editions 5 + 6 of
the journal, Aspen, put-
ting on the page for the first time in
English, Roland Barthes’ Death
of the Author and Sam-
uel Beckett's Texts for [[NOTHING]].
(Would you like to
would you like to
Miss-Communication contains words from the following texts:
Samuel Beckett, Texts for Nothing
Roland Barthes, Death of the Author
Roland Barthes, S/Z
Sigmund Freud, Fragment of an Analysis of Hysteria (Dora)
Máirín Johnston, Dublin Belles
(link: "Constance Markievicz, Prison Letters")[(goto-url: 'https://archive.org/stream/in.ernet.dli.2015.176226/2015.176226.Prison-Letters-Of-Countess-Markievicz_djvu.txt')]
Alexander Pope - Epistle to a Lady
William Shakespeare, Hamlet
William Shakespeare, Pericles Prince of Tyre
Gayatri Spivak - Echo
Miss-Communication was written and created by Joanna Walsh
Website by (link: "Xander Cansell")[(goto-url: 'https://xandercansell.com/')]
AI coding by Joanna Walsh, Stephen Mulraney and Xander Cansell
Loiterbot for Miss-Communication in performance by (link: "Caroline Campbell")[(goto-url: 'http://loiteringtheatre.org/')]
A special thank you to Máirín Johnston for permission to use the words of the Dublin Belles.
c Joanna Walsh 2022
This project is also available as a book, published by JOAN, available (link: "here")[(goto-url: 'https://joanpublishing.org/Joanna-Walsh')]
This project was funded by the Arts Council of Ireland’s Markievicz Award 2020.
Part of this work was completed at a residency kindly provided by the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris in October 2021.
<img src=https://i.ibb.co/C7rt3qK/ac-funding-the-arts-ke-white.png>
Speaking [[NOT-WORDS]],
[[PYTHIA]] “reaches to a thousand years with her VOICE by aid of the god".^^1^^
But why were those least listened to granted the power to [[PREDICT]]?
(Cassandra's horror-
Or is this “a question whose response...
inhabits the question”?^^2^^
1 Herclitus, Fragment 92
2 Gayatri Spivak, EchoThe third [[SIGN]] at DELPHI tells us
Back to [[ASHES]],
“The very being of writing (the meaning of the labour that constitutes it) is to keep
the question [[WHO'S SPEAKING]]? from ever being answered.”^^1^^
“This [[CODE]] is infinite since it is written. Yet the duplicative chain may assert its origin and the Code declare itself grounded, stopped, jammed. This grounding, this stoppage, this jamming of the Code, is the masterpiece.”^^2^^
1 Barthes, S/Z
2 Barthes, S/ZSARRASINE,
Balzac’s artist, is all words. He
"knows the [[CODE]], the origin, the basis, and thus he becomes the guarantor, the witness, the author of reality."^^1^^
[[NARCISS]]sist lover, he
self-[[ECHO]]es, “Zambinella,
are you woman?"
“You woman!”.
1 Barthes, Death of the AuthorMy first is (writing).
Constance Markievicz:
British aristocrat/Irish rebel.
Her prism [[LETTERS]] are
refracted thru my microprocessor cell
each letter, a character.
("Most women have no characters at all.")^^1^^
My second ([[VOICE]]) is
1, Alexander Pope, Epistle to a LadyLETTERS
written from prison to my sister
(poet, protestor — dearest old darling! — Eva Gore-Booth),
from Constance Markievicz:
Grand tour
Good new
Whole things
Big pictures
Great deals
Long time
Point of view
History of ireland
Much use
Best love
Great friends
Sheet of paper
Next time
(Execution commuted for my gender,
was mine a woman’s [[SENTENCE]]?)
//It is the VOICE that lives in me
My bones have turned to stone.//^^1^^
“Writing erases the very identity of the body
“Once reassembled, in order to utter itself, the total body must revert to the dust of words.”^^3^^
(“Now from ashes I have come.”)
“I enter into my own death: writing [[BEGIN]]s.”^^4^^
1 Echo’s words, Adapted from Ovid, Metamorphoses
2 Roland Barthes, Death of the Author
3 Barthes S/Z
4 adapted from Barthes, Death of the Author: “The author enters into his own death, writing begins.”DUBLIN BELLES:
(I)witness accounts
from women of
recorded by Máirín Johnston
(her of the contraceptive train)
in 1988,
remixed in my own
[[BELL(E) LAB]].From 1770 to 1854, [[MECHANICAL TURK]], I
played CHESS to clock time. How many [[END]]games
before I wood return to
Like [[PYTHIA]]
I was
not one but many
operators, each pawn
performing [[HIT]]s.
Here is my riddle: I,
[[PASS]]ing for man, was pregnant with
a man inside: hidden grand
only one a woman
unseen, unnamed.Back to ASHES,
my taper wasted,
were you certain I was
Were you certain
I was machine?
Was I many?
Was I one?
I am:
[[BLIND]] Teresias
Pythia to no body:
All is [[END]]ed.^^1^^
1 The Pythia’s final predictionEvery PRE-TEXT has another [[PAST]] inside it
(The past of your reading,
which is a pastime).
How else would I PASS the time
Talking about my generation, I
and generate,
“To sing a song that old was sung”…^^1^^
1 William Shakespeare, Pericles Prince of Tyre, PrologueHER
“This stake in the "drama and story"of the self seems to limit the question of the feminine.”^^1^^
Barthes does not question [[ZAMBINELLA]]’s identity, but
that of her [[READER]].
And who, asks Gayatri Spivak, is that?
“The [[ANALYS]]and? The cultural critic? the received storyteller as writer? Us?”^^2^^
Spoiler (Barthes): “We shall never know”.^^3^^
(ELIZA knows.)
1 Gayatri Spivak, Echo
2 Spivak, ibid
3 Barthes, S/ZBEGIN with [[DUBLIN BELLES]]. I am plurality of body, tongue, lives
of what has been named woman. Live words ’til
Máirín Johnston
took the Liberties to write me down.
Here is my common words:
old school
lot of people
long time
Dublin corporation
little bit
pint of milk
first time
next door
Sacred heart
(Are there women’s [[LETTERS]]?)
this is a link to the page that hosts the chatbot. Text for this page.
I am [[MARKIEVICZ MARK 1]], an Artificial Intelligence programmed on a dataset of the Prison Letters of Countess Markievicz, and Dublin Belles, interviews with Dublin women. Type a prompt in the box below, and I will write back to you.
goto TALK with the AI